Seminar “The Proteome of Cancer Risk” by Dr. Karl Smith-Byrne

27 April 2023

In his talk, Dr. Smith-Byrne will speak about the importance of proteomics for understanding cancer aetiology.

Dr. Smith-Byrne holds a position of a Senior Molecular Epidemiologist at the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford, UK. He co-leads the research programe on an integrative multi-omics approach in prostate cancer. He also leads research of risk prediction of cancer outcomes within the Million Women Study. He completed post-doctoral work at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, applying multi-omics methods to research causes, early detection, and prognosis of lung and renal cancers.
Dr. Smith-Byrne holds a DPhil in Population Health from the University of Oxford, with a focus on molecular epidemiology of prostate cancer, and an MPhil in Biological Anthropology from the University of Cambridge, with a focus on evolutionary perspectives on cancer genomics. He also has a B.Sc in Psychology from the University of Dundee, with a focus on cognitive neuroscience and behavioral ecology.






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